Ever since Dev Patel made his on-screen debut at the age of 17 on the E4 British teen drama “Skins,” he’s been a consistent presence in film and television. Born in the United Kingdom to Gujarati parents, Patel has consistently redefined what it means to be an Indian actor working in Hollywood, whether it involves championing the types of stories that rarely get told in American and British cinema, or expanding the breadth of roles that casting directors often put them in consideration for. Over the course of his career, he’s earned an Academy Award nomination and took home a BAFTA, the highest film honor in his native England.
To be perfectly honest, Patel doesn’t really have a lot of stinkers to his name (the dire live-action production of “The Last Airbender” from M. Night Shyamalan notwithstanding). So, when we look at his career highlights, we’re looking at good-to-great films, unlike a lot of other actors who have a much broader range in terms of quality. But regardless, we’ve put together the best of the best that Patel has been involved in, some that you’ve likely seen before and some that you may never have heard of — hopefully, you’ll find at least a few new movies for your watchlist!