6 Handy Uses (Apart From Playing Music)


Kids enjoy technology, especially when it’s interactive and portable enough to fit anywhere, like the Amazon Echo Dot. Alexa is packed with features not only for productivity but also for play. You can ask Alexa to tell you a dad joke, limerick, tongue twister, fun fact, and even a prank. Alexa also responds to the silliest of questions, and as you already know, kids have plenty of those. She can answer questions like, “Are you married?,” “What’s your favorite word?,” and “Which came first: The chicken or the egg?” There are also hidden commands you can use, such as “We don’t talk about Bruno,” “Self-destruct,” and “Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start.”
If you ask Alexa to tell you a story, she will pull up the free short stories from Audible and let you pick from categories like family, bedtime, and silly. Your Echo can read your latest Kindle book, too, if you like. Besides these skills, there are several games available for playing via the Echo Dot as well. Try Song Quiz, Disney Hits Challenge, or Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader?
However, before letting your kids have free reign over the Echo Dot, it’s best to enable kid mode on the device first. This ensures the little ones can only access age-appropriate content. To turn on Amazon Kids on your Echo Dot, open the Alexa app and navigate to Devices > Echo & Alexa > [your kid’s Echo Dot] > Settings > Amazon Kids. Then, toggle on Amazon Kids.