7 questions with 6544 Main Events in Cass City


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Matt Anthony, owner of 6544 Main Events in Cass City, is providing entertainment with something for everyone to enjoy.
6544 Main Events is a family-owned entertainment venue offering axe throwing, golf simulations, billiards, karaoke, and more. The venue will celebrate two years of being open this coming December, and has become a staple not only in the Cass City area, but in the Thumb community as well.
Shawn Robinson/Huron Daily Tribune
The venue started out as just a place with batting cages, but has become so much more than that. People all the way from the Port Huron area have come to experience what the entertainment place has to offer, and have said that it’s something they’ve never seen before.
“People like the atmosphere, we’re very comfortable and welcoming,” said Matt Anthony. “The one thing I constantly hear from people is that there’s something here for everyone.”
Anthony is looking to create a vibrant and unforgettable experience when people walk through the door. He’s always looking for new ideas and is currently working on providing more entertainment by creating leagues for axe throwing and golf, as well as hosting their own bigger parties.
Shawn Robinson/Huron Daily Tribune
6544 Main Events is the ultimate bar experience, with four unique events and activities in one location. The venue is located downtown Main Street in Cass City and is open four days a week, Tuesday through Saturday, and also offers space for birthday and business parties.
Shawn Robinson/Huron Daily Tribune
People can get a sneak peek at what the venue has to offer at this year’s Bad Axe Chamber of Commerce Fall Family Days, where the Anthonys will travel down the road to give visitors a small taste of what 6544 Main Events is all about.
Q: Why did you decide to become an entrepreneur and open your own business?
A: I’ve never really worked for anybody. Before this, I worked for the family business. I had to set my own schedule and go for it. You have to have the drive, and every day I get up I have to do what’s most important and there are perks for that but there are also struggles.
Q: What continues to drive you every day?
A: I can’t let my family down. You build on your successes, you just can’t lay back and wait for things. You have to make things happen.
Q: 6544 Main Events has been open for just about a year and a half now, how has the business been going and is there anything you want to expand on?
A: It’s been a learning process the last couple of years, but I’m excited for the future. We’re going to host some of our own parties for holidays, comedy shows, drag queen bingo, and more.
Q: What are the challenges you had to overcome to get to where you are now?
A: A lot of learning. Challenges are learning what hoops you have to go through, who you need to know to help overcome those challenges, and what you have to do.
Q: What are some of the goals and aspirations you have for the business?
A: Every day I have ideas for more stuff. We’re going to partner with a local brewery, and have some Thumb-made beer. I want to build on and do more of those kinds of things.
Q: What sets 6544 Main Events apart from other entertainment venues here in the Thumb?
A: I know I have the most variety of activities. I’ve had people travel from as far as Flint and Port Huron for a party. They tell me there’s nothing like this in their areas. We’re trying to do more things that no one else has.
Q: What do you get out of entertaining people when they come to 6544 Main Events?
A: I really get to meet a lot of people, from the whole Thumb area. You get to meet them more so than in other places and I enjoy interacting with people. Getting to learn about them, that part is fun.