The writer of 2020’s scariest horror movie has had a sequel idea for three years


Host, one of the best horror movies from 2020, might be getting a sequel.
Host was a surprise hit when it premiered on Shudder in July 2020, right at the height of the Covid pandemic, and capitalized both on the universal fear of the health emergency and of the paranormal. Three years later, words and phrases like “quarantini” and “social distancing” ring like echoes of a nightmare from the past, which is why a sequel to a movie whose plot and structure are based around the pandemic has always seemed unlikely. However, Host writer and executive producer Jed Shepherd says he’s had a clear vision for a sequel since the first movie debuted.
“I came up with the sequel idea to Host the day after we released it!” Shepherd said in a reply to a fan on Twitter.
I came up with the sequel idea to HOST the day after we released it! 31, 2023 See more
Unfortunately, Shepherd didn’t follow up with any insights into this Host sequel he’s apparently pondered over the last three years. I’m curious to know whether a potential sequel would continue with the original’s use of a Zoom call as the setting and plot device, or and whether it would even be a found footage movie at all.
The whole reason the movie took place over a remote video conference was because of Covid-era protocol, so a sequel – assuming it took place in more recent times instead of directly after the events of the original – could ditch the old format altogether and opt for a more traditional horror movie setting.
Here are the upcoming horror movies we know are in development.