Netflix is making rating shows and movies on mobile much easier


Many of us, including myself, often forget to rate a show or movie after watching it. While not necessary, it can help improve your suggestion list. Now, Netflix is simplifying the process for users to rate movies and shows on mobile devices.According to, Netflix has updated the rating feature on its mobile app, enabling you to rate a show while still watching it. Instead of returning to a show or movie page to give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down, you can now simply tap the screen while watching, whether it’s in the middle or at the end. You can just click the thumbs buttons at the top and keep watching.The new update will probably encourage more users to use the feature, which will help Netflix suggest more personalized recommendations based on users’ watch history and what they have liked or disliked. Or, to put it in a few words, by rating what you are watching, you are helping Netflix’s algorithm understand you better.The system that suggests new movies and shows on Netflix uses two different data sets to make personalized recommendations for what you might want to watch. The first data comes from what you’ve watched before and the kinds of genres you prefer, while the second is based on your ratings.On the mobile app, you can rate using three reaction buttons: a thumbs up, a thumbs down, and a double thumbs up button. The latter was introduced last year in an attempt to teach Netflix’s algorithm not only which movies or shows you like or don’t like but also which you love.Based on which movies and shows received your double thumbs-up reaction, Netflix’s algorithms will better recommend similar ones. With the improved rating feature, now more user-friendly on mobile devices, starting to use it could lead to receiving more accurate and tailored suggestions.