The Only Major Actors Still Alive From The Andy Griffith Show


The Only Major Actors Still Alive From The Andy Griffith Show
Try telling viewers of a certain age about the immense popularity of “The Andy Griffith Show” back in the day and you’re likely to be met by blank stares, quite a number of follow-up questions, or both. Looking back, it may be surprising to realize that neither Andy Griffith nor the show itself garnered any major awards love throughout the eight seasons it was on the air, never resulted in much of any real merchandising profits during its run (which was a rarity at the time), and even met a somewhat ignominious end when Griffith was written out of the sitcom series and the entire production became rebranded as “Mayberry R.F.D.”
In between those extremes, however, “The Andy Griffith Show” maintained its status as a consistent ratings juggernaut throughout each and every year and vaulted its cast to stardom. Buoyed by Griffith’s “Aw shucks” small-town and square-jawed heroic appeal, an all-time classic opening theme song, and an overall tone suitable for all ages and especially kids, the hit show has managed to cast a very long shadow.
In the decades since its premiere in October of 1960, however, it’d be the understatement of the century to say that quite a lot has changed. While Griffith’s Sheriff Andy Taylor and his supporting cast of various friends and family in the fictional town of Mayberry, North Carolina will always rank among the best sitcom characters ever, the long years have left their mark on the stars and fans alike. By now, many of the actors have long since passed away, including Griffith himself in 2012, but there still remain a number of living links to the show — including a few very familiar faces. Here’s all the major actors still alive from “The Andy Griffith Show.”