Deadpool 2 Almost Had A Marvel Crossover That Could Still End Up In Deadpool 3


Deadpool 2 Almost Had A Marvel Crossover That Could Still End Up In Deadpool 3
Few Marvel characters are more qualified to traverse the space-time continuum — and tell a few meta jokes at its expense — than Deadpool. The Merc with a Mouth is notoriously averse to the constraints of reality, and that’s just one of the many reasons why his big-screen adventures have been so much fun. Fox’s “Deadpool” films have toyed with the anti-hero’s wanton fourth wall breaking, nonlinear storytelling style, and affinity for time travel in delightfully irreverent fashion. It’s allowed star and producer Ryan Reynolds the opportunity to poke fun at aspects of his career that fans have tried to forget, but it also gives audiences the chance to laugh at some of the silliest parts of the superhero industrial complex.
With the advent of Marvel’s multiverse, Deadpool’s exploits have only gotten more ambitious. Still, there are some choices too weird (and sometimes, not weird enough) to make it to the final cut. The team behind the “Deadpool” films has been pretty candid about the ideas that never came to fruition, and the multiple sequences that were filmed and later discarded. Given the success that “Deadpool” and “Deadpool 2” have each achieved, there doesn’t seem to be all that much regret. But there is one idea in particular that seemed far too good to pass up, and it involves one of Marvel’s most famous superhero teams.