Imagine, MACRO Partner With Eli Lilly for Better Health Condition Representation


Following the results of a study by USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative demonstrating the lack of adequate representation of those with health conditions in film and television, Eli Lilly and Company is partnering with leading content creators and production companies, Imagine Entertainment and MACRO, to drive entertainment industry-wide change and guide the industry in accurately and authentically representing disease. The goal of this shift in representation is to reduce public stigma of a variety of conditions.
Despite millions of Americans dealing with diseases, the study found a lack of presence of these health conditions in content. When they do show up, there are mis-portrayals which often do not reflect the true patient experience.
Only 2.8% of speaking characters across 2023’s most popular TV shows and films had obesity, despite 37% of the U.S. population living with obesity, the study found. Of the characters with obesity, nearly half (46.2%) were depicted as “being unlikable,” and they were rarely shown in multidimensional roles. Only 4.6% held high-status jobs (neurosurgeon, Chief of Police, etc.), while 18.4% were portrayed as unemployed. Cancer portrayals focus on the fear and sadness, often overlooking real-world survival rates and advancements.
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Lilly, which is represented by UTA’s Entertainment Marketing Division, will be informed on how to take action based on the study’s findings.
“At Imagine Entertainment, we’re committed to telling stories that reflect the full spectrum of the human experience, and the results of Dr. Smith’s USC Annenberg study are illuminating and will help inform us as we work to increase representation of real, varied health conditions on-screen in the film and television industry,” said Imagine’s EVP of Business and Brand Development Amanda Farrand.
“Inclusive storytelling is at the heart of MACRO,” said Chief Brand Officer Stacey Walker King. “We champion all underrepresented voices and are excited to help change the narrative around disease in media, ensuring people of color see their experiences reflected with truth and dignity.”