Celebrating 25 years of fashion


Hollywood is coming to Coeur d’Alene.
The ladies of the Cancer and Community Charities nonprofit will roll out the red carpet May 16 for their 25th anniversary Silver Screen Dinner and Fashion Show at The Coeur d’Alene Resort. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
“We’re pretty excited,” fashion show co-chair Ruth Runkle said Thursday.
“We’ve got a really cool theme,” co-chair Laura Chambers said. “We’re really running with it.”
Guests will enter a world of stardom as they enjoy an evening of spring and summer fashions and jazzy music beneath a Hollywood sign.
Topping off this champagne-worthy celebration is a donation of $10,000 from Silverwood Theme Park to help make sure this milestone event is one for the record books.
“We are so grateful to have a partner like Silverwood,” Chambers said.
Stephanie Sampson, Silverwood public relations manager, shared words from Jeanne Norton, who owns Silverwood with husband Gary and helped with the 3Cs Fashion Show for several years.
“‘These are a group of really strong women who really work hard to bring hope back to the community in so many different ways,'” Sampson relayed. “‘They will work hard to get the job done and do what the community needs.’ I know that’s really important to her.”
Chambers said that’s where the hearts of 3Cs and Silverwood align.
“Everybody at this table really wants to help people, and what a wonderful opportunity we all have to do that,” Chambers said.
More than 40 models will showcase clothing and accessories from more than 15 boutiques during the fashion show. Marmalade and Marie’s Boutique owner Marie Widmyer has coordinated outfits and volunteered for the show for the past 13 years and is again on board to offer her expertise.
“She does just a spectacular job,” Chambers said.
She said for this event, the word is “fun.”
“It’s so lively with all the activity that’s going on,” Chambers said. “People get to shop and look at all the baskets, and the food is going to be great. The fashion show is amazing and fun. Just being around people who want to give back, I mean, that’s a pretty amazing energy to have in one room with 400 people.”
Runkle said the evening will also serve as a way to raise awareness for the 3Cs and the organizations it serves.
“A lot of people don’t really know what we do,” she said.
The 3Cs has just over 500 members who participate in a number of activities, from bridge, books and bowling to adventure outings and gardening. The annual membership fee is $25 per year.
“What’s so unique about this organization is that it is affordable for anyone, even the activity groups if they have an extra fee to belong to it, it’s very minimal, maybe $15 a year,” 3Cs President Ann Dare said.
Members have given more than $2.6 million to local charities and nonprofits since the group’s founding in 1962. Recipients include Hospice of North Idaho, Orchard Ridge Senior Living, Children’s Village, Family Promise of North Idaho and the Alzheimer’s Association, to name a few.
“The more you learn about it, the more inspiring it is,” Chambers said.
Tickets for the 25th anniversary Silver Screen Dinner and Fashion Show are $110. Visit 3cscda.com for details or contact Judy Gardner at diju1959@gmail.com or 208-664-4604.
A sample of decor that will set the mood at the 3Cs 25th anniversary Silver Screen Dinner and Fashion Show, which will be May 16 at The Coeur d’Alene Resort.