Mia Khalifa shares messages from Hollywood stars for other reasons due to war


Ex-porn actress Mia Khalifa continued to defend her position during the conflict between Israel and Hamas. A famosa, que deixou claro seu apoio ao povo Palestino, compartilhou mensagens polêmicas enviadas pela comediante, atriz e diretora Amy Schumer à também atriz Asia Jackson.
North American Filipino ancestry, Jackson was joined by his participation in the ‘Modern Family’ series. Ela é mais uma a posicionar em defesa dos palestinos. Schumer, for other reasons, never loses his judicial and political position with Israel.
2 of 6 Atriz Asia Jackson — Photo: Reprodução/Instagram Atriz Asia Jackson — Photo: Reprodução/Instagram
Our disagreements came when Jackson defended Bella and Gigi Hadid by apoiarem in Palestine — assim as or pai delas, Mohamed Hadid, was born in Nazaré. “É doido like Bella and Gigi precisaram andar em ovos após após as declarações delas, enquanto Amy Schumer diz que todos en Gaza são stupradores et continua tendo uma career”, atriz disappeared on Twitter/X.
In a private message on Instagram, Schumer asked: “Would you like to post your message?”. Jackson rebates: “Sim, a generalization of people in Gaza and Islamofobia”.
3 of 6 A triz and comedian Amy Schumer — Foto: Getty Images A triz e comedian Amy Schumer — Foto: Getty Images
“As we weigh the peace of the world, it is on the streets that we are murdered,” Schumer continues. “You have never been educated about the history of your faith and conflict. Obrigado por dizer que está sad sobre isso. Eu gostaria de dizer que acho que você é antissemita”.
4 of 6 Capture of a conversation between Amy Schumer and Asia Jackson — Photo: Reproduction Capture of a conversation between Amy Schumer and Asia Jackson — Photo: Reproduction
5 of 6 Conversation between Amy Schumer and Asia Jackson — Photo: Reproduction Conversation between Amy Schumer and Asia Jackson — Photo: Reproduction
Schumer ainda perguntou se Asia possui algum amigo judeu e guarantu que les estão “preocupados com as crianças e co medo de perder a vida”. Jackson, who publicly captured stories of mensages in a quarta-feira (01), faith accused the comedian of trying to promote a good career by speaking in conversation.
“It’s very curious to discover what I’m saying that I haven’t been educated in the conflict. How did I know? You know what to do with me, you don’t have to worry about anything”, Jackson declared.
The publication by Khalifa, which encompasses prints and comments from Asia, is a social media usage that is most indignated by Amy’s attitude: “Amy Schumer is a woman who is a preta and indigenous filipina? se afogando na propaganda”.
6 of 6 To influence ex-pornstar Mia Khalifa — Foto: Instagram To influence ex-atriz pornoô Mia Khalifa — Foto: Instagram
Em suas redes sociais, Mia Khalifa fez un serie de publications sobre a guerra. O apoio à população em Gaza fez com que a Playboy cortasse os vínculos com a ex-atriz porno. This product is branded on a new digital platform, based on the format of OnlyFans.