Summary Quentin Tarantino’s films are known for their graphic violence, and the most epic kill scene of his career can be seen in Inglourious Basterds.
In this scene, Adolf Hitler is shot dead by Jewish soldiers while his cronies are burned alive in a Jewish refugee’s movie theater, a major departure from real history.
The surprise factor and satisfaction of seeing the most evil man who ever lived get gunned down by his oppressed victims have yet to be topped by any subsequent Tarantino kill.
Quentin Tarantino has found plenty of creative ways to kill off his characters over the years, but one kill scene from Inglourious Basterds still hasn’t been topped three movies later. Tarantino is one of the most iconic auteur filmmakers working today, and his renowned directorial style is defined by many recognizable hallmarks, like awesome needle-drops on the soundtrack, affectionate homages to obscure old movies, and shots taken from inside the trunk of a car. But the most distinctive aspect of Tarantino’s filmmaking style is his unrelenting depiction of graphic violence.
There have been plenty of epic kills in Tarantino movies. In Reservoir Dogs, just as Mr. Blonde is about to burn a kidnapped cop alive, Mr. Orange unexpectedly regains consciousness and guns him down. In the climactic showdown of Kill Bill: Volume 1, the Bride chops off O-Ren’s scalp in one fell swoop. The very best kill scene of Tarantino’s career can be seen in Inglourious Basterds. Despite the writer-director’s best efforts, none of his subsequent films have managed to top it – and he’s only got one movie left before he retires.
RELATED: Inglourious Basterds & 9 Other Movies That Altered History
Inglourious Basterds’ Hitler Kill Scene Is Still The Most Epic Of Tarantino’s Last Four Movies
The greatest kill scene of Tarantino’s career is Adolf Hitler’s gleefully inaccurate death in Inglourious Basterds. Instead of taking his own life in a bunker like he did in the real world, in the Tarantino-verse, Hitler was shot dead by Jewish soldiers while his cronies were burned alive in a Jewish refugee’s movie theater. Tarantino’s subsequent movies have their fair share of wild scenes – in Django Unchained, Dr. Schultz shoots Calvin Candie through his pocket flower in a nod to The Mercenary, and in The Hateful Eight, John Ruth violently vomits blood after drinking poisoned coffee – but none of them have been as mind-blowing as Inglourious Basterds’ Hitler kill.
After Inglourious Basterds established Tarantino’s penchant for historical revisionism, audiences were expecting the revenge fantasies of killing white slavers in Django Unchained and killing the Manson Family in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Audiences would actually be more surprised if Tarantino didn’t alter history and let these monsters live. But in Inglourious Basterds, it was completely unprecedented. No one saw it coming. The surprise factor of Hitler’s Inglourious Basterds death, and the satisfaction of watching the most evil man who ever lived get gunned down by the people he oppressed, have yet to be topped by a subsequent Tarantino kill.
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood’s Manson Family Kill Scene Gives The Movie Critic A Major Challenge
The climactic sequence in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, in which Rick and Cliff take on the Manson Family, will be a tough act to follow. Quentin Tarantino has confirmed (via The Playlist) that his next film, The Movie Critic, won’t be a revenge story, so it might not feature much action. But even if the story itself isn’t action-oriented, the films-within-a-film that the titular critic reviews can feature Tarantino’s signature over-the-top violence – and it somehow needs to top Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’s iconic Manson massacre sequence.
Source: The Playlist